Analytical study of the causes of material waste in implementing the construction envelopes in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Teacher assistant at Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology (Maadi)

2 Associate. Professor, Architectural Dept, faculty of Engineering Matariya, Helwan University


The construction industry consumes a large portion of the raw materials
and generates an enormous amount of solid waste annually especially in installing
the building envelope.
Despite the positive impact of the building envelope on achieving the
economic development goals of the countries, it has been proven that the waste
generated from the construction and installation processes has a significant
negative impact on the economy and the environment, which led to a waste of
10% of the cost of project materials according to global statistics in 2010.
This paper aims to (1) identify the causes and impacts of wasted materials,
(2) present the results of the field study conducted by the authors to investigate the
causes of material waste in the implementation of building envelopes in Egypt, (3)
identify the most important, sub-factors and causes of material waste in the
implementation of building envelopes in Egypt. (4) Based on expert
s’ opinions,
recommendations are made to avoid wasting materials in implementing building
envelopes in Egypt.
