توظيف مبادئ الاستدامة في إضاءة الفراغات الخارجية. Application of sustainability principles on outdoor lighting.

Document Type : Original Article


1 باحثة ماجستير

2 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية -جامعة حلوان.


The artificial lighting of outdoor spaces may cause light and environmental pollution, and a negative impact on the health and comfort of humans and organisms in case of non-observance of the principles of sustainability, in addition to consuming enormous amounts of energy. Therefore, this research aims to study how to achieve sustainable outdoor lighting, by studying lighting methods and strategies that reduce lighting pollution and improve the visual environment for both humans and organisms, and relying on renewable and clean energy sources, in addition to the use of energy-saving lighting sources and lighting control methods, taking into consideration the attempt to reduce the negative environmental impacts resulting from the manufacture of some types of lamps or when disposing of them in a manner that does not negatively affect health.
