دور نظام اإليكوتك في تطوير تصميم الفراغ التعليمي الجامعي The role of Eco-tech system in developing the design of University Education Space

Document Type : Original Article


1 مدرس مساعد بالمعهد العالي للهندسة والتكنولوجيا بالتجمع الخامس،

2 استاذ بقسم الهندسة المعمارية هندسة المطرية – جامعة حلوان

3 أستاذ بقسم الهندسة المعمارية هندسة المطرية – جامعة حلوان


Many architectural studies have discussed two themes that seem to be at war with technology and the ecology. The technological (technical) concept has been directed at the level of educational spaces represented by information and communication technology techniques that keep pace with scientific and technical developments in the field of education and provide an appropriate internal environment for students to perform the educational process, so that the void contributes to the transfer of information in a more simple and flexible way for the student to interact with. The ecological (environmental) orientation is not a new trend, as it calls for a return to nature and the opportunities and capabilities it provides, as well as a reduction in dependence on technology. However, it has been neglected due to the excessive use of technological means of control without considering the negative impact of some of them on the environment, which has resulted in the failure to meet the requirements for architectural comfort . As a result, the study looked at the impact of merging the two approaches through a third approach, using a more comprehensive system called the ECO-Technology Architecture (Eco-tech), This is based on connecting them all together in a framework An integrative that integrates technical and ecological applications that are eco friendly, and also their impact ..on the university education plan's levels of development
