التحول الرقمى للعمران كمدخل للتنمية العمرانية المستدامة للمدن الجديدة المستقبلية فى مصر Digital Transformation of Urbanization as an Approach to Sustainable Urban Development for Future New Cities in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Architectural Engineering department, Thebes higher institute for Engineering, Cairo, Egypt


The problem of the research is the low rates of population and urban growth in the new cities in Egypt, and most of these new cities did not achieve their target, in addition to that they did not achieve urban development because of shortage in achieving the target rates, and from here the research aims to show how to benefit from the potentials offered by information and communication technology in achieving sustainable urban development so the future new cities in Egypt can acieve their targets, improve the quality of life for thier citizens, provide services and utilities, develope the economy and rationalizing energy consumption. Based on the research approach to achieve its goals, there are two basic approaches, the first approach studies the concepts of digital transformation of urbanization and analyzes its effects on urbanism, and demonstrates the role of information and communication technology in achieving sustainable urban development, and the second approach identifies the basic problems of new cities in Egypt, and show how can Digital Transformation of Urbanization be applied to solve these problems so the future new cities in Egypt can achieve their targets and achieve sustainable urban development. The research concluded that the digital transformation of urbanization can achieve sustainable urban development for new cities in Egypt using information and communication technology to achieve good quality of life for citizens, provide services and utilities, develope the economy and rationalizing energy consumption, so future new cities in Egypt are able to achieve their targets.
