تفعيل الفكر الأيكولوجي بمساعدة نمذجة معلومات البناء(BIM)

Document Type : Original Article


1 مدرس مساعد

2 استاذ بقسم الهندسة المعمارية بكلية الهندسة بالمطرية - جامعة حلوان

3 استاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية بكلية الهندسة بالمطرية - جامعة حلوان


Eco-design has been adopted in Europe as synonymous with sustainable design, 
deriving that from ecological theories that view nature as an integrated system of “eco 
systems” that maintain the balance and harmony of nature.
Here, the research aims to study the ecosystem by introducing the system and 
its components, how simulation and knowledge of its levels, curricula and fields, and 
the role of this system in integration with the environment. Specific to each stage, in 
order to implement the ecosystem effectively and with the highest efficiency, and 
some examples were studied and analyzed, and the research concludes with results 
and recommendations, the most important of which is that with the adoption of the 
ecosystem produces buildings suitable for the environment and harmonious with 
nature, and that BIM building information modelling has a major role in the 
application of the system Ecological at all stages of the life cycle of buildings. 
