منهج إحياء العمران التراثي بالقرى المصرية المطلة على نهر النيل )دراسة حاله قرية برج رشيد بمركز رشيد بمحافظة البحيرة( The approach to reviving the heritage urbanization in the Egyptian villages overlooking the Nile River

Document Type : Original Article


1 استاذ بقسم التصميم العمراني بكلية التخطيط اإلقليمي والعمراني. جامعة القاهرة

2 مدرس بقسم التصميم العمراني كلية التخطيط اإلقليمي والعمراني. جامعة القاهرة.

3 طالبة دراسات عليا بقسم التصميم العمراني بكلية التخطيط اإلقليمي والعمراني. جامعة القاهرة-معيدة بقسم العمارة –معهد الجزيرة العالى للهندسة والتكنولوجيا


Heritage urbanization is an important part of Egypt's cultural, social and economic 
history, as it reflects the stages of its growth, development and prosperity over time. As 
well as being a valuable part of the Egyptian society's memory. Egyptian urbanism 
abounds with many patterns of heritage urbanization, whether it is material (manmade), natural or cultural. Despite this great diversity, it often suffers from severe 
neglect, abuse and deterioration, whether in urban areas (cities) or even rural areas 
(villages), which also suffer from urban congestion, lack of services and deterioration 
of infrastructure, under a central development vision that focuses on Urban urbanization 
more without paying attention to the Egyptian rural urbanization.This research paper 
attempts to shed light on the patterns of heritage urbanization in the Egyptian villages 
located on the Nile and discuss the methods and policies of dealing with them and 
reviving them and linking them with the rest of the heritage village on the Nile River, with the aim of upgrading them and placing them on the map of tourist attractions on 
the Nile, which represents the linking artery between the areas of the Egyptian globe . 
Many scientific approaches have been used, such as the inductive and historical 
approach, where many theories and literature prior to the research were reviewed, as 
well as the study of villages containing various types of Egyptian heritage. Similar 
models have been studied for some similar heritage villages globally and locally. The 
approach and methods of reviving heritage urbanism. The field study method was used, 
where it was applied to the village of Burj Rashid in the Beheira Governorate, and the 
paper reached many important results, which are the methods and mechanisms for 
achieving the approach to reviving the heritage urbanization in the Egyptian village. 
