نحو منهجية لتطبيق التصميم الحيوي على المباني اإلدارية Towards a Methodology for Applying Biophilic Design on Office Buildings

Document Type : Original Article


1 ستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية، كلية الهندسة بالمطرية، جامعة حلوان.

2 مدرس مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية، المعهد العالي للهندسة بالشـــــــروق


The design of administrative spaces and work centers is no longer secondary as it was in 
the past, but all companies pay special attention to the image they reflect on their visitors 
and the atmosphere they provide for their employees. The main objective of the 
architectural designer when designing the administrative building and workplaces is to 
create a suitable environment to perform the function for which this work was established 
as efficiently as possible, especially what administrative buildings are witnessing in the 
current period of spread and expansion at the local and regional level. Despite the 
importance of the human aspects in the design process, many designers, we see, have 
neglected the attention to these aspects in private and public buildings. The workplace is 
one of the places where a person spends most of his time outside the home, so it was 
necessary to pay attention to the human aspects in designing these places, especially that 
mental and physical comfort directly affect the efficiency of work and production. Hence, 
administrative spaces need to be linked to nature by adopting the idea of biophilic design, 
as it is a design proposal that aims to rebuild the relationship between the natural 
environment and the built environment by adopting the principles and elements of biophilic 
