اإلعتبارات التصميمية للساحات العامة لتحقيق جودة الحياة لذوي ال حتياجات الخاصة Design considerations for public plazas to acheive quality of life for people with special needs

Document Type : Original Article


1 طالب دراسات عليا )ماجيستير( قسم الهندسة المعمارية – كلية الهندسة بالمطرية – جامعة حلوان

2 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية كلية الهندسة بالمطرية – جامعة حلوان

3 أستاذ العمارة واالسكان كلية الهندسة بالمطرية – جامعة حلوان


Public squares in urban agglomerations are one of the important elements to meet the living 
and psychological needs of the human being in general. The research aims to study these 
arenas to reach the design considerations that achieve the quality of life for people with special 
needs in particular, not nominally that the current trend seeks to reach all the directions that 
help to achieve a good and happy life for these groups that enable them to feel belonging and 
psychological and spiritual comfort, and help them integrate into society naturally. The 
research also aims to identify the full elements of designing a public square that takes into 
account the needs of people with special needs.
To reach the goal of the research, the study was divided into two parts: the first includes the 
theoretical study to know the foundations of the design of public squares and the elements of 
quality of life, requirements and aquads for those with special needs of those squares, and 
the second part deals with the analytical study of some squares to determine the extent of the 
impact of the use of the requirements and codes of the design of public squares on the design 
of the villa by analyzing the results of both the theoretical and analytical study. Through the 
study, it was possible to come up with a methodology that includes road crossings, parking 
places, signs, services to be provided in public squares and other elements that achieve the 
friendliness of life in these squares for people with special needs, which are the criteria that 
the research recommends to be followed to design squares suitable for people with special 
needs and also all groups frequenting these squares
