أثر الطفرة التكنولوجية على دور الأشكال الهندسية الرئيسية فى التشكيل المعمارى The impact of the technological boom on the main geometric shapes role in the architectural formation

Document Type : Original Article


مدرس بقسم الهندسة المعمارية ـ كلية الهندسة ـ جامعة سيناء ـ فرع القنطرة.


            Geometric shapes have a very important role in human life; it have been used in writings, decorations, etc.. As a theoretical approach the research show the mean, the usage of the main geometric shapes in their original traditional forms and its role in the architectural formation processes in different eras of the world, the methods or approaches to dealing with these shapes. Then the research reviews the human’s ability to creat free shapes in many activities. How these free forms have been used in the formulation, writing, drawing and arts, but the technology not enables the use of these forms in a large way, nor ease and accuracy in the manufacture and formulation of architectural formations. The human remained dependent on the main geometric shapes in their traditional form. The research moves to the stage of the technological boom that occurred in the last two decades, through which man was able to launch his imagination in formulating architecture with unconventional formations. However, after a lot of practices and experiments, and through research, monitoring of some formations of the new architecture produced in technological boom, it was proven that the main geometric shapes in their traditional form still have unique characteristics that guarantee them a share of presence in the formations of architecture, despite the huge boom in operations, formationm and the development of free forms. The main geomitrec shaps characteristics still pushing the designers to rely on them in design and forming
