انعكاسات االعتبارات االنسانية فى تخطيط المدن على جودة الحياة فى المدن الجديدة دراسة حالة: مدينة القاهرة الجديدة Reflection of Human Considerations in Urban Planning on Quality of Life in New Cities Case Study: New Cairo City

Document Type : Original Article


Architectural Engineering department, Thebes higher institute for Engineering, Cairo, Egypt


The methodology of city planning must take into account many human 
considerations, which are represented in the provision of human needs that affect 
the planning of urban communities and cities in general.
The problem lies in the fact that not taking into account these human considerations
in city planning has negative impacts on the level of quality of life in these cities.
Therefore, cities must first achieve the necessary needs while providing the
elements of quality of life, which are related to housing, services, utilities, theenvironment, and economic activities practiced by the population so that cities can
achieve the purpose of their establishment.
The research aims to demonstrate the concept of quality of life, and its importance 
in providing the population’s social, psychological, economic and urban needs, in 
addition, demonstrate the role of human considerations in city planning to achieve 
the basic needs of the population in new cities and state its effects on achieving the 
quality of life in these cities to provide a good life for the residents, taking New 
Cairo City as an example of new city as a case study, to show how human 
considerations in city planning can achieve the quality of life for the population in 
these new cities. 
The research concluded that human considerations in urban planning are closely 
related to the quality of life to provide a good life for the residents, and by studying 
the city of New Cairo, it was found that the quality of life is achieved in it, as 
human considerations have been achieved in it at a high rate, from here achieving
human considerations must be taken in consideration when planning new cities. 
