الأطر والسياسات المقترحة لتعزيز تنافسية المناطق الحرة المصرية على الخريطة الاقتصادية

Document Type : Original Article


1 مهندسة دراسات معمارية وزارة الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية

2 أستاذ التخطيط العمراني بقسم العمارة كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلون

3 أستاذ مساعد التخطيط العمراني بقسم العمارة كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلون


Egypt has all the necessary fundamentals that enable it to lead and compete regionally and internationally. The Special Economic Zones (SEZs), along with their various forms, are one of these fundamentals, especially the Egyptian Free Zones (FZs), which are considered as one of the oldest and most famous investment systems of Egypt. Therefore, this research discusses the lack of economic competition of Egyptian FZs, compared to other countries that were able to enhance their investment and economic performance and were extremely competitive in the economic aspect, as the bad competitiveness of Egyptian FZs is one of the important issues that hindered the growth and competitiveness of the Egyptian economy. Thus, the current research aims to reach "Proposed frameworks and policies to enhance the competitiveness of Egyptian free zones on the economic map".
To this end, the research deals with the concepts and types of Egyptian SEZs, legal and legislative framework, review and analysis of the performance of Egyptian FZs (Number of projects, job opportunities, and contributions of Foreign Direct Investment FDI) Through this, the proposed frameworks and policies were reached to enhance the competitiveness of the Egyptian free zones on the economic map. The results of the research are summarized in the study of the relationship of governance principles with the Egyptian FZs, in addition proposed frameworks and policies used to enhance the competitiveness of Egyptian FZs on the economic level, given they have all the fundamentals that enable it to compete at the international level.
