نحو تحقيق جودة الحياة الحضرية في المدن عالية الكثافة

Document Type : Original Article


1 مهندسة معمارية بقسم الهندسة المعمارية جامعة حلوان

2 أستاذ بقسم الهندسة المعمارية كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلوان

3 استاذ بقسم الهندسة المعمارية كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلوان


Rapid urbanization has put enormous pressure on urban development in many cities, so high-density development has become a topic of growing concern all over the world. People view low-density urban environments as natural, beautiful and therefore livable, and in contrast, high-density cities are seen as unlivable due to crowding, noise and pollution, but in reality, livelihoods and urban quality of life are a cross-cutting topic that contains multiple realities, High urban density has both positive and negative effects on livability and urban quality of life. Therefore, the research problem is to study the positive and negative aspects of high-density cities and their role in affecting the quality of urban life, to reach aspects that promote a higher sense of urban life quality, and to know the density limit beyond which the quality of life is impeded.
This study followed the analytical inductive approach and reached the following results: A better understanding of how high density affects the quality of urban life and living standards encourages citizens and policy makers to rethink their perceptions of urban life, Also, higher densities should not come at the expense of the quality of urban life, as sustainable development requires us to look deeper, whereas the purpose of progress is to improve the quality of life. We can also achieve urban quality of life in high-density cities if environmental, community, economic, political and urban quality are taken into account in the city.
