Enhancing Urban Spaces through Crowd Behavior Analysis A Case Study of Arafat to Muzdalifah Road During Hajj Time

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Architectural Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University,


Crowd behavior analysis is an essential tool for understanding people mobility and movement in 
public spaces. By analyzing the behavior of crowds and their motion patterns through their 
interaction with the surrounding environment, designers can identify potential issues and 
implement solutions to improve safety and efficiency while enhancing urban spaces. The aim of 
the study is to understand the crowd behavior and movement patterns at the road between Arafat 
and Muzdalifah during peak times of Hajj to identify prospective overcrowding zones and 
problems. This has been accomplished through the study use of visual observation, video analysis, 
and crowd simulation modelling. The study tests the crowd behavior that heavily influenced by 
the physical urban features, barriers, and surrounding services. The study suggests several 
recommended interventions for better urban design solutions to improve pedestrian crowd flow 
for better crowd management. These interventions could be used as guidelines for urban designers 
and planners to create safer and more efficient pedestrian spaces during similar crowd situations. 
