دور الساحات العامة وتأثيرها على جودة الحياة في التجمعات الجديدة " دراسة حالة مدينة الرحاب – القاهرة الجديدة" THE FUNCTION OF PUBLIC URBAN SPACES AND ITS INFLUENCE ON QUALITY OF LIFE, IN NEW URBAN SETTLEMENTS

Document Type : Original Article


1 مهندس بنقابة المهندسين المصرية قسم الهندسة المعمارية – كلية الهندسة بالمطرية – جامعة حلوان

2 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية كلية الهندسة بالمطرية – جامعة حلوان


00Public squares in Egypt suffer from many problems, especially in new residential communities, although public squares are one of the urban design vocabularies of the city, which is supposed to meet the needs of its users to enjoy time while practicing various activities in it. Despite this, there is not enough awareness in Egypt of the importance of the quality of urban life.
00000 Within the framework of this concept, the importance of having indicators to measure the efficiency of public squares in performing their role and how to achieve the desired goal of their inception is to develop new residential communities and meet the needs of different square users.
00000 The research aims to present the concept and opinions of urban design theorists about the public square and its design and the conditions for raising the efficiency of the square - its design vocabulary - and to study the needs of users in the urban square to provide it to attract the largest number of users of all ages to achieve urban quality in new residential communities. One of the public squares in Turkey (Bol Pazer) is being studied in a closed community (Residential Compound) and the market square in Al-Rehab City - Egypt.
In order to achieve the desired goals of the emergence of new residential communities, the needs of users of the public square must be studied and their needs met.
