دور الذكاء الاصطناعي في قياس جودة الهواء وتأثيره على تخطيط استخدامات الأراضي (بالتطبيق على المنطقة الحضرية بشرق القاهرة) The role of artificial intelligence in measuring air quality and its impact on land use planning (applied to the urban area in East Cairo)

Document Type : Original Article


1 مدرس بقسم التخطيط البيئي والبنية الأساسية، كلية التخطيط الإقليمي والعمراني، جامعة القاهرة

2 مدرس بقسم التنمية العمرانية الإقليمية، كلية التخطيط الإقليمي والعمراني، جامعة القاهرة


Artificial intelligence is considered a powerful technology that can help significantly and effectively in activating environmental monitoring, which the world is currently moving to integrate into all development fields because of its importance as it directs to proper planning and disaster management, controlling pollution and addressing environmental challenges. It deals with various environmental systems such as Water pollution, air pollution, dangerous radiation, and weather changes. Artificial intelligence contributes to providing accurate and timely analysis of various data through which negative impacts on the environment can be predicted and mitigated. Research focuses on understanding the concept of environmental monitoring, its types, and its significance in achieving sustainable development. Exploring AI trends and applications in air pollution monitoring, particularly in urban areas like East Cairo, allows decision makers informed decision. By implementing appropriate planning recommendations, we can mitigate current adverse effects and plan for a sustainable urban environment. This approach contributes to environmental preservation and fosters sustainable urban development for future generations.
