دور الأفنية الداخلية المركزية في تعزيز جـــــــــــودة البيئة الـــــــداخلية في المباني التجارية The Role of Central Atrium in Strengthen the Quality of the Indoor Environment in Commercial Buildings

Document Type : Original Article


1 مدرس مساعد – كلية الهندسة – جامعة بدر بالقاهرة

2 أستاذ بقسم الهندسة المعمارية - جامعة حلوان

3 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة المعمارية - جامعة حلوان


The central atrium has the potential to improve the quality of the indoor environment of commercial buildings. As it enhances the Indoor environmental quality and sustainability of the building. It also contributes to achieving effective use of the building’s internal environment away from the influence of external environmental factors.
The research reviews the factors affecting the design of the atrium, such as daylighting, ventilation, thermal comfort, etc.; aiming to improve the environmental characteristics of the atrium. The research will highlight the importance of the atrium in improving air quality and maintaining appropriate temperature, and how it can create a calm and relaxing environment. The enhancing the environmental experience and sustainability within commercial buildings.research also emphasis the role of the atrium in attracting users and visitors and
