Using Urban Climatology to Attain Thermal Comfort “A Comparative Analysis on Different Urban Tissues in Egypt “

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Materia, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.


Nowadays, the environmental quality of urban tissues and outdoor spaces has turned out to be one of the main issues facing urban designers. There are an ignorance of urban tissue influences on thermal comfort in urban areas. The physical characteristics of urban areas including build-ings, materials, urban form, and vegetation have a great impact on the resulting microclimate conditions. Therefore, the arrangement and design of urban elements can significantly influence thermal comfort so the relation between urban climatology and urban tissue is crucial. Urban climatology has a vital role in understanding the complex interactions between cities and the atmosphere, helping to inform policies and practices that promote sustainable and livable urban environments. It investigates the impact of urbanization on various meteorological parameters, such as temperature, humidity and wind patterns. This research highlights the relation between urban climatology and urban tissue using ENVI Met considering PET (Physiologically Equivalent Temperature). Therefore, a comparative study between two different neighborhoods with various tissues (Fifth settlement and Mohandseein in Egypt) are analyzed and evaluated. The Study adopts not only the environmental variables: air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, but also sky view factor as indicators to calculate PET during summer and winter. It also depicts the urban heat island (UHI) effect on the chosen neighborhoods. The research extracts a group of indicators that mitigate the opposing effects of climate change, attain thermal comfort, and create more sustainable and livable urban environments considering urban tissue design.
