Risk Management of Highly Constrained Construction Projects

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering -Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Assistant Professor of Construction Management, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering -Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

3 Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Department of Civil Engineering, The Higher Institute of Engineering, El Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt

4 Postgraduate student (Master), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering -Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


Risk management of highly constrained construction projects is a valuable process to achieve project goals, minimize threats, and improve the performance of the projects. Constraints are the main obstacles to meeting the project targets. Every project has at least one constraint so the case of Constructing a construction project with ideal performance without any constraints is a theoretical case. Existing constraints are positive issues to determine the performance of a system, gradually elevation for them, and improving its performance. This research aims to determine the current risk factors of highly constrained construction projects. Qualitative and quantitative analysis for them using improved questionnaire tools that help in project enhancement. After using a wide literature review, the study listed 34 risk factors divided into nine categories. Then, we designed a questionnaire and distributed it to rank these factors according to their probability and impact on time and cost. Based on two methods in evaluating (Relative Important Index and a modified fuzzy group decision-making approach (FGDMA)), we performed a statistical analysis for all collected data using (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) SPSS Ver.25 software, Analyzing the reliability, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, Chi-Square Test, Person correlation, T-test, and using ANOVA analysis to find out the effect of all independent variables on dependent variables.
