Effect of Tire-Rubber Inclusion on The Physical and Mechanical Be-havior of Granular Soils

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate- Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering - Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Professor of geotechnical engineering, Faculty of Engineering - Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

3 Associate Professor of geotechnical engineering, Faculty of Engineering at El Shorouk Academy, Cairo 11718, Egypt

4 Associate Professor of geotechnical engineering, Faculty of Engineering - Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


The escalating global problem of waste tires, compounded by their non-biodegradable nature and expensive disposal methods, necessitates innovative solutions. This research explores the potential of incorporating tire shreds into fine granular soils by examining their impact on physical and mechanical properties. Key areas of investigation include Compaction Method Efficiency: Evaluating the effectiveness of wet and dry compaction techniques across varying rubber-to-sand ratios. Geometric Influence: Examining how tire shreds geometry affects optimal void ratio and shear strength parameters. Anisotropy & Orientation: Assessing the impact of average rubber chip orientation on the mechanical anisotropy of the resulting binary mixture. By addressing these aspects, this study aims to bridge the gap between environmental concerns and geotechnical applications, potentially offering a sustainable solution for waste tire management while enhancing soil properties.
