Experimental Study of the behavior for footings subjected to tension force using digital photogrammetry technique .

Document Type : Original Article


1 Geotechnical department , ERU

2 Prof. of Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations, Civil Engineering Department

3 prof. of geotechnical engineering . Badr university

4 lecturer of geotechnical engineering , ERU


Thousands of lattice towers of various sizes and forms must be built in Egypt in order to build a high voltage electrical network. These towers' foundations often experience three different kinds of loads: side trust (horizontal shear), pullout (tension), and downward trust (compression). A tower foundation's surrounding soil must withstand a significant amount of lateral and tensile load. The uplift capacity of shallow footings subjected to tension force was examined in the current study in relation to various parameters, including the type of soil and the ratio of foundation embedded depth to the width of footing. A comprehensive set of laboratory experiments was conducted using the relative dentists (100% and 92%) and taking into consider the footing dimensions (3.5*7 cm, 5*10 cm, and 7.5*15 cm). The footing width to foundation depth ratio is 1.5%, 1.5%, and 2.5%. A parametric approach is used to analyze the ultimate pullout load of shallow footings under tension force and expect the failure mechanism. To measure the entire displacement field inside the soil mass, a computerized photogrammetry application was utilized. The findings demonstrated that the ultimate pullout force increases in proportion to the footings' the embedded depth in the soil increases relative to footing width. As the percentage of fines increased the ultimate tension capacity resistance increased dramatically. While adding fines to sandy soil increases the angle of inclination, it has little influence on failure rupture.
