Experimental Investigation and CFD modelling for Indoor Air Thermal Conditions in Worship Buildings in Egypt: Church and Masjid

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Benha Faculty of Engineering, Benha University

2 Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University.

3 Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University


Masjids and Churches are typical worship buildings constructed to serve citizens in Egypt since more over two thousands of years ago. This research classifies the methodology into three methods; i) experimental work, ii) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and iii) cooling loads analysis. The experiments were performed to measure the temperature distribution on both scaled down models for masjid and church, designed and constructed using 50:1 scale down ratio. Both models were tested at three loading conditions at 33%, 66%, and 100%. CFD modeling was performed to study flow filed of (MSJ-CFD) model with two configurations 1, 2, each at three different cases. The summative cooling load profiles give that only is presented on the connected load of common district cooling plant which dedicated to serve worship buildings consist of Masjid and Church. The comparison between results of both experimental and CFD investigations are in good agreement at their different locations and they give that the average air temperatures inside both experimental and CFD models at 19 oC for 33% load and Case 1, 22 oC for 66% load and Case 2, and 24 oC for 100 % load and Case 3, respectively. The results of summative cooling load profiles give that for maximum expected total load design for both buildings together design case can be reduced to 160 % of only one building of them, instead of 200% in normal standalone case. The conclusions are summarized to help decision making during planning and design stages either for Church or Masjid
