الحفاظ على المبان ي من تأثير العوامل البيئية Preserving buildings from the influence of environmental factors

Document Type : Original Article


قسم العمارة، كلية الهندسة، جامعة حلوان، مصر


Preserving the architectural wealth in Egypt is to preserve heritage as well as protect 
lives and society, and buildings are exposed to various environmental factors that 
negatively affect them and lead to the deterioration of their condition and this reduce 
their life span, and with the absence of the maintenance process that must be carried 
out from the design stage to some stage. After implementation, the condition of the 
building worsens, and in the absence of awareness of the importance and role of 
maintenance to preserve the building, some buildings will collapse and the buildings 
will become unstable and worrying for their residents.
The research paper aims to study the environmental factors that affect the building 
and lead to its deterioration, study methods of protection from them, as well as the 
role of maintenance and the laws issued in respect of it in Egypt, and benefit from 
the experiences of Arab and foreign countries for the maintenance process, and the 
research ends with the results of the study.
