نموذج مقترح لتصنيف المناطق الاقتصادية الخاصة وفقاً لمؤشرات الحوكمة والتنافسية

Document Type : Original Article


1 مهندسة دراسات معمارية وزارة الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية

2 أستاذ التخطيط العمراني بقسم العمارة كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلون

3 أستاذ مساعد التخطيط العمراني بقسم العمارة كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلون


The Special Economic Zones (SEZs), including their various types, are considered as an economic vital artery, as they are one of the distinguished investment patterns used to attract the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Therefore, the current research discusses the confusion when classifying the patterns of special economic zones, so that experts in charge of planning and economic zones have plans to classify these patterns. This confusion is the result of the evolution of these patterns through time and space. Thus, the research aims to present a "proposed model for classifying patterns (types) of SEZs according to the indicators of governance and competitiveness".
This research also deals with the concepts of SEZs, governance and competitiveness. It touches also on the importance, objectives, governance, types and success factors of SEZs, in addition to indicating the bodies responsible for measuring governance and competitiveness indicators, from which the proposed indicators were reached. Subsequently, the proposed model to classify these patterns has been reached using the SPSS program. In addition, the contribution rates of governance and competitiveness indicators used to determine the patterns of SEZs have been deduced by analyzing crosstabs.
