دراسه تحليليه للأسواق التاريخيه المغطاه بنطاق القاهره الخديويه (دراسة حاله: سوق باب اللوق) An analytical study of the historical covered markets in Khedivial Cairo (A Case Study: Bab El-Louk Market)

Document Type : Original Article


1 معيده بقسم العماره، كليه الفنون الجميله، جامعه حلوان، مصر

2 أستاذ دكتور العماره و التصميم العمراني بقسم العماره، كليه الفنون الجميله، جامعه حلوان،


The importance of historical markets lies in the fact that these markets contain both a Tangible and Intangible cultural heritage. Tangible cultural heritage appears in its distinct architectural elements and various urban formations. Intangible cultural heritage presents the history of trade and its development and the history of traditional crafts that distinguish some regions from others. These markets have many values that should be preserved (historical, architectural, urban, cultural, and economic values besides the identity value that distinguishes each community from others). The problem lies in the neglect these markets face from the lack of maintenance and order and many other informal damages that change their character and sometimes lead to their demolishing, which is considered a loss to such an important cultural heritage. The research aim is to study these markets and particularly the covered one within the area of Khedivial Cairo (the covered market of Bab El Louk) as a case study. Through field study, information analysis, and studying a group of similar international and regional markets rehabilitation projects. The research is able to set the condition of those markets and to frame a set of standards that contribute to the development and rehabilitation process of (Bab El Louk market).
