The Role of Double Skin Façades to Enhance Energy Performance of Social Housing in Egypt: A Simulation-Based Model Study

Document Type : Original Article


Modern University for Technology and Information


Energy saving strategies is an important issue to achieve “Egypt’s Vision for Sustainable Development 2030”. Given Egypt's predominantly desert climate, which features hot, arid summers and mild winters, there is a need for innovative design approaches to enhance energy efficiency and occupant comfort. The residential sector, which accounts for over 70% of Egypt's buildings, is the largest energy consumer compared to other sectors.
Social housing in Egypt represents a substantial portion of the residential sector in Egypt. They, consequently, significantly influences the country's energy consumption patterns. This research paper seeks to explore the use of double skin facades with an integrated perforated outer screen (DSFPS) as an effective approach to improving the thermal performance of social housing in Egypt. While such housing is crucial in addressing the housing crisis, the dependence on repetitive prototype designs with minimal consideration for the site and environment presents various environmental challenges. This new method represents a vital step toward creating sustainable and liveable residential environments.
A simulation-based tool is herein implemented on a prototype design of
one of the high-rise social housing projects in Cairo, Egypt to evaluate the thermal performance of (DSFPS). The findings are intended to provide valuable insights for architects regarding facade design and to explore the potential of integrating perforated outer screens to improve energy performance of the building and reduce environmental impact.


Volume 184, Issue 1
special issue for the 4th International conference "Visions for Future Cities, Sustainable Solutions, and Applications"
February 2025
Pages 15-31